Relentless Pursuit of Quality


Quality is not an act but a habit. It is a result of intelligent consistent effort.

The above statement guides our views, beliefs, and acts of quality. In a fast-paced economy with the ever-changing demands of the customer, it becomes imperative for any company to be dynamic with a rapid response mechanism inbuilt into the culture. We at Fishfa Rubbers Ltd. have habituated the art of meeting and beating customer expectations and demands by application of intelligent solutions of our exert technocrats, high-end technology that we have deployed, and environment-friendly infrastructure that has a quick response capability.

Quality is central to all these elements. People processes and products are the three focal points of our quality perspective and in that order. Our people seek to drive processes that in turn deliver high-quality products. It is no accident that we are global leaders in Butyl reclaim rubber, it is a result of our sustained consistent efforts to improve at every stage and at all levels.